Neuromonk Feofan

Билеты Нейромонах Феофан
30 september 19:00 thursday
Нейромонах Феофан
02 march 19:00 saturday

Neuromonk Feofan

Neuromonakh Feofan is a musical project from Russia, the music of which is designated as "Old Russian" drum-en-bass. The musical group Neuromonakh Theophan loves to listen to the majority of modern youth. Let's take a look at its composition. The project consists of the Neuromonakh Theophan himself, who is independently writing tracks, from the Bear and DJ Nikodim. The team members are anonymous. Nobody had any idea who this neuromon was. But after the performer gave an interview to Dudyu Yura, information began to appear on social networks that this person could presumably be Stepanov Oleg, and Grodinsky Misha plays the role of Nikodim. The Neuromonakh Feofan group concert is special in that Svetlov Daniel also participates in it, who plays drums in the Amatori band. The performer's concert activities are stylized as Russian folk parties with the presence of extras dressed in strange outfits. The text part of the compositions mainly consists of outdated Russian words, the vocals are also quite specific. The tracks are sung by the frontman of the group in a chant, and accompanied by drum-en-bass copulates with a balalaika. The vocalist has a beard, he himself is quite tall. No one can see his appearance, as he covers him with a hood and dresses in a hoodie. In his hand he holds a staff, on the inside of which there is a laser pointer. The project can characterize its creative activity as a folk Russian drama. Historical features When Nikodim was interviewed by Afisha, he said that he was interested in music on a professional level, until he met Feofan, acquaintance with whom opened his eyes to many new development options. The artist's tracks could be heard already, starting from 2009. The decision to form the project was approved by the guys when they were walking through the forest belt. The first collection of the collective "In the soul of dramas, in the heart is bright Russia" was released in 2015. In support of the record, the musicians went on tour in the Russian and Belarusian regions. The album was liked by both fans and critics, and even got into the TOP-10 of iTunes in Russia. Neuromonakh took part in the Cuban Festival, VK Fest and many others. Critics said that the dance electric music and unusual Russian folk motives in the artist's creative activity deserve attention. Shnurov really liked the whole concept of Neuromonakh's performances, because, in his opinion, he combines the incompatible. The text part of Feofan's tracks is dedicated to physical labor and Russian nature. However, she is very ironic. If we talk about the distinctive features of the group, then this can be safely attributed to the visual component, since the music needs to be tightened up.